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Monday, March 21, 2011

Voting Ends, Now the Next Step From Here

The voting has ended, which is odd because I don't remember actually choosing to have a date where the voting ends. It must be a default setting or something. Anyway the winner is "book two I hear it gets much worse." Which is funny because it's almost like my readers want me to suffer or something. In fact that was the overwhelming majority taking in 76% of the vote, with stop and do the movie each taking 11%. Which if you do the math means that there is a 1% margin of error or the total votes.

So the blog and this Dantean journey will continue. For me the next step is going to be the finding of the book, for free, since I don't feel like paying for it. Hopefully the public library will have it and the librarian won't be the judging type as a 32 year old man checks out a book targeted towards teenage girls. Usually they don't seem to mind whatever I check out only that I bring them back on time, which is an oddly difficult thing for me to do even though I have email notifications and the library is only a couple of blocks away.

I will also do the movie for the first book at some point. Initially I was going to scrap the idea going along with the voting but it's on Showtime's airing cycle and I watched five minutes of it noticing a couple of things that the movie corrected from the book although I'm not exactly thrilled at having to look at Robert Pattison for two hours (is he supposed to be hot?).

The only trouble is that I don't have an idea of when I will begin. The temptation is to wait until I have at least two of my final papers done for school since those are infinitely more important than this and directly affect my future while this is a fun diversion.

As it stands I will be taking a month off from doing this, see where I stand in my classes and then, hopefully, begin anew. Since my paperback copy of Twilight contains the first chapter of the next book it won't be too much trouble to begin writing but I want to have a seamless transfer and not make people wait for updates if finding a free copy of the book is any difficulty. It is also possible that I may break down and buy it electronically for my Nook, if that's the case the page numbers will probably be different but I will make the attempt to be as precise as possible with where I am. This is important because it also factors into my school work as I am getting more and more books in the EPub format and there needs to be a standardized way of citation for academic papers.

So we retire from this for a month. I'll talk to you again in April.

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